September 7th & 8th, 2013

Spend 2 life changing days with Michael Leone and the Zen Wellness staff at our highly acclaimed Chi Fit Medical Qigong training.

Tuition: $795

You will learn the following Medical Qigong protocols:
* Standing Three Hearts and Nine Gates (Wood)
* The Healing Sounds (Earth)
* Golden Chi Ball (Metal)

Training will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Seminar begins at 9am and ends at 5pm. We look forward to you joining us for a life changing experience.
Includes 2-days training, workbook and 12 months of Zen Wellness on-line training library.

The foundation of any practice, martial, medical, or spiritual is built on energy and awareness. Qigong practice is the cultivation of energy and awareness. The Zen Wellness Qigong program is structured to take you through a step-by-step process that will insure a sound foundation. The goal of all of the Qigong disciplines is to create a balance of life force energy or Qi to enhance the long-term quality of life.

Zen Wellness Chi Fit Medical Qigong is the first step of learning the Qigong basics and incorporating this ancient modality into your practice and business.

CEU’s for Acupuncturists and Massage Therapists– call for details

Call 602-354-0898

Zen Wellness Medical Qi Gong 8 Vessals

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The training will be held at the fabulous Taosit Healing Arts studio, owned by Master James Rath.

The Taoist Healing Arts
472 Amherst St
Nashua, NH

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